Wow! Week 7 source code? Released a few days ago? I’ve got to update the Groovin’ Mod Framework codebase quick!

In fact, I haven’t touched Friday Night Funkin’ or Groovin’s code for almost a year…

Luckily, I’ve made preparations for an update like this.

But first… a quick disambiguation.

Disambiguation Between Groovin’ and Schmovin’

Groovin’ Mod Framework, not to be confused with Graffiti Groovin’ (which is a really cool mod), refers to the modding system that allows behaviors to be added to Friday Night Funkin’s code without having to directly change any of its code.

Schmovin’ is a modcharting engine for Friday Night Funkin’ built on Groovin’, but it also comes with a standalone version that doesn’t have any dependencies on Groovin’, only on FNF and HaxeFlixel. It implements some of the more unique gameplay features of In the Groove and NotITG: note modifiers. For the NotITG folks, it’s basically both a mod reader and tap + hold note renderer. I’ll clarify more on Schmovin’ in future blog posts after I release it.

Week 7 Port Dev Log

The last commit I’ve pulled from the original funkin repository dates all the way back to April 2021. Once I pulled all the new changes… The codebase was completely diifferent.


That's a lot of conflicts to resolve...

While git cherry-picking, it was kind of fun to see which changes happened.

OK, looks like I’m done cherry-picking. Let’s try runni-

Code rot moment.

Am I going to have to completely redo Groovin’s codebase?

Nope… just some refactoring!

Groovin’s source code is (mostly) separate and uncoupled from FNF’s.

As you can see in the picture above, Groovin’ Input, an internal mod for Groovin’ that implements offsets for timing windows, uses a separate source code folder called source_internal_mod. I’ll just have to redo some dependencies…

And it’s done! It only took a day or two (i.e. my entire weekend) to get both Schmovin’ and Groovin’ working!

Ignore the fact that all of the arrows are facing up... I already fixed it.
That's a bug from the way they changed arrow animation states...

FOSS moment

Welp! Considering that I haven’t really done anything with the code in the past year, it looks like it’s time to open-source both Groovin’ and Schmovin’… (and if I can’t get Groovin’ ready, I’ll make sure to release Schmovin’!)

I’ll try to get an example modchart done by next week (since the false paradise modchart breaks with the latest code)… and I have midterms coming up this week too, so don’t even expect it by next week!

This’ll be the last time I deal with FNF modding. No more FNF mods. (I will continue to make smaller mods for other games, though!)

What are they on? Tamiflu?